1. What is venous reflux?
Veins are blood vessels with one way valves that return blood to the heart. If these valves become damaged they will allow the blood to pool in the feet and lower legs. When vein valves become damaged or diseased, a backward flow, known as reflux, occurs. This often leads to pooling of blood, then often leading to increased pressure in leg veins. This increase in pressure causes varicose veins (the swollen and/or “rope-like” veins seen just under the surface of the skin.)
2. What causes varicose veins?
Varicose veins are caused by damaged valves in the vein. This can be caused by damage to the vein or by the vein being so dilated that the edges of the valve no longer meet in the middle. Other causes are:
- Age
- Pregnancy
- Genetics
- Over weight
- Woman are more likely to develop varicose veins
3. Is EVLT painful?
Most patients report minimal pain. We will prescribe a mild sedative to help relax the patient during the procedure. Following the procedure the patient may experience minimal pain that can be treated with an over-the-counter, non-aspirin pain reliever.
4. Can I drive home?
No. You will need a friend or family member to drive you home following your procedure.
5. Can I walk after the procedure?
Yes. Walking is required following the procedure.
6. Will my insurance cover the procedure?
Yes. Most insurance companies will cover EVLT. Your insurance benefits will be verified before your procedure.
7. When can I exercise?
Exercise can be resumed three days following your procedure.
8. How long do I have to wear compression stockings?
Compression stockings must be worn for 15 days following your procedure.
9. How soon after EVLT will my symptoms improve?
Most patients report noticing an improvement in their symptoms within the first three months following their procedure.